Friday, January 25, 2019

Stages of Design Thinking and How it Works

Design thinking is a methodology focused on providing a solution-based approach to overcome problems. It is the best approach to overcome unknown, undefined or unanticipated problems. This specific method relies on the human ability to understand different patterns and develop emotionally appealing ideas which are meaningful and at the same time highly functional. This is a unique process and in order to implement it in the right way it is essential to partner with a web application development company.
An iterative approach, design thinking is all about using different options and adapting to meet different needs. Considered as repeatable process to solve problems and identify new opportunities, design thinking can be used for different type of solution in order to align people’s needs to technical options and business needs.
While it is widely used by product designers, this human-centered approach to innovation is not limited to the creation of things. It follows process such as deciphering human needs, analyzing problems in human centric manner, brainstorming ideas, and taking heads-on approach to prototyping and testing. Design thinking forms an important part of the web design and development process. Hire Web developers and designers to explore this phenomenon and ensure that this approach aligns with your users interests.

Design Thinking: Definition
"Design thinking" can be described as a discipline that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity.”

Difference between Human-Centered Design and Design Thinking
If you are going in circles and trying to figure out the core difference between Human-Centered Design and Design Thinking approaches, here is quick answer. The aura and scope of design thinking is much wider compared to human-centered design. Design thinking is all about breakthrough innovation, as well as about developing new products, services and solutions for problems.
The IDEO style "Design Thinking" refers to cognitive, strategic and practical processes, with the final goal of which is to come up with innovative problems solving and the solutions to address a problem or meet a customer need. It is often applied to areas which are not traditionally defined as requiring design.
Design Thinking is largely not used by most companies or implemented in a haphazard manner, and most designers are not exclusively trained.
While the human centered design is all about improving usability and user experience of products or services. It is used to describe the process of designing for people and developing solutions involving human perspective. So in a nutshell, it is all about human centric designers and most UI/UX designers identify with HCD.
  1.        Both methodologies are apt to handle the complex phases at the beginning of the innovation process, where uncertainty rules.
  2.        User-centered with heavy focus on empathizing with users.
  3.        Both utilize creative and analytical thinking during the entire process in thinking and designing.
  4.        Multidisciplinary teams with the ability to make people collaborate in order to maximize, support and draw from different expertise.

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