Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Reasons to use the business domain for your Email....

What is G Suite?
G suite is the Google service which is integrated with the Gmail and the email server for the business domain. G suite provides the customized and professional domain name for your email address. G suit not only provides the business domain, but it also provides the service like drive, Google doc, Google sheet, Google calendar.

Reasons to use the business domain for your Email

Provide Utmost Professionalism
Now a day’s each and everyone using free email domains and everyone’s mail will end up with the ‘.com’ domain address. If you are to be different from others and to provide utmost professionalism, so you have to a mail id with the business domain. An Email with the business domain is like an online business card.
Effective Branding
Sending an email from a business domain is creating the brand among the mail receiver. Peoples are receiving the mail from many people from the same domain name, that time you will having the different domain address which showcase your professionalism and it will create a separate brand image among the receiver's mind.
To Gain a Competitive Edge
 Most of your competitors having their own business domain address for mail. If you are using a free mail domain, it resulted in you that lag behind from your competitors. Having a different mail id is helps you to differentiate from your competitors and it helps your clients, customers, and potential customers to more serious about your business.
More security
When digital technologies are upgraded many free mail domain users are facing the problems of mail hacking and issues. When using with business domain email, there is no trouble with hacking or blocking the mail. If any such things happened your hosting company will provide the service to recover your mail.
Purpose of Privacy 
When you are using the business domain and it can be hosted with any G suit providing company instead of hosting in big companies. When you are hosted your own or with the G suite providers, it is very safe and private in concern of hackers and conversation tappers. 

G Suite moves the present business culture to quick as well as efficient. For a low cost, your business can gain the power to move operations anywhere all while your company data stays safe.
We, BASE 2 Media Works an G Suite service provider located in Bangalore. Consult us for your G Suite requirements.

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