Saturday, March 30, 2019

How acceleration of AI will change the digital business?

The intelligence demonstrated by machines in contrast to the natural intelligence of humans and animals is termed as Artificial Intelligence, commonly known as AI. Artificial Intelligence empower machines to mimic cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving skills, which can lead to great technological possibilities tomorrow.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) establishes a means and mechanism that helps us make the digital world function more flawlessly in the near future by minimizing the need to code and recode. AI is going to proliferate natural and contextual human computing interfaces. Using AI, advanced ecosystems where communication happens between software with no or very less human interference can be achieved.

BASE 2 Technologies
Learning: Machine learning will change people’s expectations on how helpful computers can be, and what wonders computers can do for us. Machine learning lets software learn and relearn itself from data by avoiding the need of programming it on a regular basis. In order to extract knowledge from data and making the system capable of transforming itself, we leverage the data from sensors, applications and mobile devices of all forms and speeds.

Language: AI is useful to understand the language in areas such as speech to text and automatic speech recognition. These techniques are put together in NLP (Natural Language Processing) to handle machine translation which is named as entity recognition. Additionally, models can be designed incorporating natural language understanding with intents and entities on what the speakers are trying to express.

Vision: AI computer vision can recognize images at an accuracy comparable to humans, and the Internet giants like Baidu, Microsoft and Google have attained error rates closer to humans. Computer vision enables new and more personalized customer experiences for deeper engagements. Computer vision is used for functions such as characterizing facial expressions and automating tasks to categorize images to create insights that human eyes can’t find out.

BASE 2 Solutions
As AI matures, it’s going to get embedded into products people regularly use and will result in scenarios that won’t let us be aware that AI is being applied to our environment. Having big data, cloud and digital as the 3 key support technologies, we experience 4 themes in the field of AI Solutions.

Virtual Assistant: AI is typically applied to improve user experience with language related visual information and prediction to understand what the user is likely to expect.

Conversational: Conversational platforms are heavily associated with language interaction, where AI improves and empowers natural language processing.

Intelligent Things: Using AI to gain insights from data in the form of predictive and prescriptive analytics can be collected from many different enterprise areas.

Automation: This field uses AI to improve automation & processes for coordination, control and management of devices and applications such as IoT, robotics, and AI embedded systems.

AI Value Chain: In all projects AI is not at the same level of complexity, so value chain finds out unique areas where AI can be leveraged.

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